Sunday, September 12, 2010

工作说明 Job Description

- 带领整个短宣队 lead the mission team
- 与教会沟通和接洽 communicate with the church
- 与教会策划初步计划及主要活动 planning with church
- 安排短宣各小组负责人 arrange the PIC for mission trip
- 管制和监督各小组的进展 follow up each group
- 带领短宣检讨 lead the evaluation of mission trip
- 预备短宣期间时间表和灵修材料 prepare mt timetable & materials needed
- 关怀队员,建立团队 build up teamwork, care for each team member

文书 / 报告- 确定短宣期间写每日行程,或一些见证 write daily report during mt
- 短宣结束前一天,向所有队员收集短宣心得 collect all sentiment frm each member before mt ends
- 短宣后作一份报告 prepare a report after mt
- 预备致谢卡给当地教会和传道 prepare thank you card for pastor & church

财政- 完成财政及关于钱财工作 incharge of all money matters
- 拟定财政预算 draft budget
- 管理一切账目 take care of the account
- 确定所有的支出都有单据,并清楚正确纪录 assure that all credit owns receipt, and has clear record
- 在短宣队完成之前一天,做一份财政报告 prepare treasurer report before mt ends

总务- 注意住宿清洁,安排值日生打扫收拾 cleanliness, arrange ppl to do cleaning matters 
- 负责购买短宣队所需用的一切用品 buy all necessaries stuff for mt
- 一切的复印工作 all photostat stuff

- 推动祷告 implement concerted prayer
- 安排每天早餐有一小组人禁食祷告 arrange ppl who fasting for breakfast
- 带领或安排人负责每天早上半小时祷告时光及晚上的祷告时光 arrange ppl for each prayer slot
- 敏锐周围的需要,随时带领大家守望祷告 be sensitive of the needs, bring ppl to pray when necessary

- 带领或安排人负责每天的敬拜赞美时光 lead or arrange ppl for each p&w slot
- 预备诗歌册子 prepare the p&w booklet

- 安排短宣队往返MMU及tanjung karang的交通 arrange trasportation from mmu to TK
- 负责短宣队在tanjung karang 一切交通上的需要 arrange transports in TK

- 策划和筹备特别节目:
1. kindergarten
2. movie screening
3. primary student motivation talk
4.youth nite
5. sunday school 
- prepare the flow for the event
- think of the theme & msg that is able to impact the target audience

- 负责短宣期间所有活动摄影 incharge of all photo shooting
- 在短宣队完成后,将所有的照片收集后整理好。collect all photos after mt

布道 / 栽培
- 布道或栽培前,为队员提供所需要的材料 (人生的好消息,宣传单,记录本等) prepare all evangelism materials for mt
- 与教会配搭有策划的安排如何得着目标区 discuss with church on how to win the targeted areas
- 与教会配搭有策划的安排栽培工作 discuss with church about building
- 安排地区、分组出外布道 / 栽培 arrange places & ppl for evangelism & building
- 推动及鼓励组员们勇敢传福音和栽培 encourage team members to do evangelism & building
- 记录及统计每一天所接触的人数,包括谈道、信主、受栽培的人数 record & do statistic on the number of ppl we approached

团队建立 / 关怀
- 推动队员们彼此关心 encourage members to care for each other
- 带领一些的活动,建立团队关系 build up teamwork

时间管理 / 膳食
- 确保队员们遵守作息时间表 assure that team members follow the timetable 
- 安排每一天的膳食 arrange meal for each day

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