Monday, October 4, 2010

PIC of prayer and P&W

Prayer meeting with church PIC
chun ying
Ian Tiong
Shi Song
hai liang
Shu Wan

Prayer PIC
13/10  before witnessing (morning)
Shu Wan
13/10 before witnessing (noon)
Chun Ying
14/10 before kindergarten
Joon Keat
14/10 before witnessing (noon)
Xiao Bai
15/10 before witnessing (morning)
Hai liang
15/10 before motivation talk
15/10 before movie screening
Shi Song
16/10 before witnessing
16/10 before Evaluation
Xiao Bai
16/10 before youth night
Ian Tiong

  1. Here are all the Person In charge of Prayer and P&W during Tanjung Karang MT.
    P&W leader can find your own P&W team(guitarist, pianist/ backup)  which are MT member only.

  2.  Currently guitarist available is only Shu wan. Pianist available is Joseph and Shu Wan. The will be a song booklet provided from MCCC which song leader can choose the song inside it.

  3. For Prayer person in charge you need to prepare your own prayer items and lead the whole prayer meeting. Main topic will be given.

    * For meeting with church PIC - joseph, ahsong & shuwan, prayer items will be focus on the land & the church of TK..reference and details will be given on this coming mt briefing.

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